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Academic Career Paths for Psycholinguists April 23, 2024

Are you considering a career in academia? Whether you're driven by a passion for research, teaching, or both, understanding the landscape of the current academic job market is crucial. 

Dan Parker, Associate Professor of Linguistics at The Ohio State University, led this workshop designed to guide aspiring academics through the complexities of the application process. In this workshop, the following topics were discussed: the various positions available in academia, guidance on crafting a compelling application, tips on how to best prepare for interviews, and strategies for effectively navigating the job search process. The workshop concluded with a Q&A session, so bring your questions!

Video recording available below.
To view in Full Screen, start play, then click the ⚙ Gear and select "External Player."

Industry Career Paths with a Cognitive Science or Linguistics Degree March 7, 2024

Rachel Ostrand, staff research scientist at IBM Research, and Brendan Tomoschuk, senior data scientist at Cruise, hosted a session to talk about various industry job roles that can be a good fit for cognitive scientists and linguists. It included a discussion of skills that are useful to develop and highlight in a job application, tips for crafting an industry-appropriate resume, and how to search for industry jobs in the first place.

Video recording available below.
To view in Full Screen, start play, then click the ⚙ Gear and select "External Player."

Recorded Session

Presenter Slides

HSP career chat

Online Workshop on the Peer Review Process January 10, 2024

Matt Goldrick, of Reviewer Zero and Northwestern University, hosted a workshop to introduce researchers to the peer review process. The workshop gave an overview of the peer review process, including its goals and aims. It also discussed a range of practical tools for navigating the peer review process.

Video recording available: click the thumbnail below

HSP Abstract Writing Workshops November 13 & November 14, 2023

Rebecca Holt and Maayan Keshev, current and previous HSP Executive Committee junior representatives, hosted abstract writing workshops to provide students and early career researchers of various backgrounds with concrete tips to bring their abstracts to the next level.

Video recording available below.
To view in Full Screen, start play, then click the ⚙ Gear and select "External Player."

Rebecca Holt's Session

Maayan Keshev's Session

Meet the NSF Program Officers September 22, 2023

NSF Program Officers Jorge Valdes Kroff (Linguistics), Leher Singh & Anna Fisher (Developmental Sciences), Dwight Kravitz (Cognitive Neuroscience), and Betty Tuller (Perception, Action and Cognition) presented and answered questions about submitting grants, getting feedback on project ideas or resubmissions, and other issues related to funding and reporting at the NSF.

Video recording available below.
To view in Full Screen, start play, then click the ⚙ Gear and select "External Player."